Author Archives: jacksonc

HoloLens Development

Managed to get my hands on the Microsoft Hololens and completed a project using it. Development is with Unity so that was an easy enough thing to do. The Holotoolkit is you best friend for Hololens development. Some tips learnt along the way ·         Do not modify the Holotool kit code, since it gets updated […]

Best Practices for an AR app (According to me :))

After developing AR based apps for a while and seeing all the available ones out there, I have formed some opinions as to what makes a good AR app. I can see lots of AR applications developed, but very few of them are popular and in my opinion, the reason for that is most of […]

Mobilizing SharePoint

Kept AR in the back burner for some time to focus on an mobile app solution. Was kind of surprised that’s there was not much help available on the net for the scenario I was facing. Was even more surprised that Microsoft support did not help much; we raised a ticket and had discussions for […]

Creating useful AR Apps

After creating quite a few demos and including some gimmicks as explained in the previous posts, the wow effect decreases and people are more interested in the usefulness of this. So, I began exploring how this could provide some business impact. Since some of our customers works in the hospitality sector, we started to think […]

Giving a WOW experience

AR as a technology has been there for quite some time and I was doing some research on what creates the wow effect and actually sell. Since gaming is not a domain I was in, I could not rely much on that part. I was looking at what sort of solutions would actually wow people […]

Different Realities

So as part of my new role have decided to take up Augmented reality. I have tried out AR earlier and have a lot of ideas but did not get time to take up. I had been using a tool called LayAR but it looks pretty limited in its capabilities so on the quest for […]

Mobile Enabling a SharePoint site

So how easy is it to mobile enable a SharePoint 2013 site that has been built without any mobile capability? The favorite answer, as usual, it depends. In my case we had to bring a mobile capability in a site developed SharePoint 2013 Foundation. The site had initially been developed by a awesome set of folks who followed MS […]

Aspire to do more..

Not sure who said this, but found it pretty thought provoking. “Your cell phone has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969. NASA launched a man to the moon. We launched a bird into pigs.” Are we under-utilizing the technology that we are loaded with? Talking about under-utilization, anyone seen those ads Micromax […]

Proactive knowledge management – Selling knowledge in the organization

KM systems should be implemented so that it enables users to do their work well, and not just act as help manual. Here is my post on the topic at Mindtree blogs

Using SharePoint 2013? Use Search !!

Most people buy SharePoint for the features that its known the most for – Collaboration, WCM, team sites etc. However very few actually make use of all the features that are available with it. The feature having the most potential to radically change the effectiveness of the existing SharePoint implementation in my view is search. […]